By Libbie Summers
Assisted by David Dempsey
Photography by Teresa Earnest Social
There’s nothing about a blue, white and red combination that I don’t love –even wearing it on my wedding day! I’m loving this fun look for a stay at home lobster fest or a trip to Southwest Harbor Maine.
The recipe for this look:
Polka Blouse: J. Crew (similar from Boden)
Lobster Stripe Sweater: Kate Spade
Gingham Pants: Vintage
White Bucks: Bass
Backpack: Anello Japan
Watch: Daniel Wellington
Glasses: Peepers Centerstage
This backpack was the first instagram purchase I ever made. Full disclosure, it took 3 months to
come from Japan. But it is super fun and decidedly worth the wait!
The photographer, Teresa Earnest, just said something very off color…which is why I adore her!