Hump Day: Chapter 30

“What if you have 16?”The Bitch on Hanging Ten. 
Vizsla, Libbie Summers, Surfing, Hang Ten, A food-inspired life

Rotten Tomatoes Gift Wrapping Paper

By Libbie Summers
Assisted by David Dempsey
Photography by Teresa Earnest

Gift wrapping paper or a cheeky background for the headshot of certain opinionated red head –so many uses. I love this craft paper turned rotten tomato paper!
stencils, party decor, tomatoes, A food-inspired life, Libbie Summers, Crafts

What you need: 
A long sheet of craft paper
A crude tomato drawing you have cut out of a small sheet of craft paper
Red spray paint

What to do: 
In a well ventilated area, spread out the craft paper. Sit the tomato stencil on the paper and spray in the “tomato hole” with the red spray paint. Remove the stencil and place in a different spot on the paper (working in whatever fun pattern you like) and spray. Repeat the process until the entire sheet of craft paper is covered in red tomatoes. Note: overspray is acceptable and even encouraged in my world. I love the homemade feel of this! Allow to dry before using.

Dogs, Vizslas, tomato crafts, wrapping paper, Libbie Summers, A food-inspired life


How To: Keep Your Dog’s Coat Shiny

By Libbie Summers
Photography by Cedric Smith

My great uncle’s husband, Andrew, is a living breathing best in show. Andrew runs in the affluent world of animal showmanship. Since I’ve known him, Andrew has shown a miniature pony, 4 breeds of dogs, 3 breeds of chickens (one of which we were told never to mention when clearing customs), goats and doves. 

Andrew is a fascinating guy who not only has a penchant for ponies and pups he also makes a mean margarita. Over said drinks one afternoon, I asked him his secret for keeping his dog’s coats so shiny. Without hesitation Andrew walked to his refrigerator and pulled out a tub of yogurt. 

Now once a year, whether she needs it or not, our dog Maggie gets a yogurt hair condition. She doesn’t seem to mind it as I see her licking in between her toes for hours after –a leftover yogurt treat for enduring my need for her to be best in show and for Andrew to approve of me.  
How to keep a dog's coat shiny from Libbie Summers
Directions for a Shiny Dog Coat:
1. Wash your dog as usual.
2. Coat the fur with a layer of yogurt (amount will depend on the size of the dog, we use 3 cups for Maggie). Massage into the coat and allow to stay on for 5 minutes.
3. Rinse and pat dry. Feel free to leave a little in between the toes for a treat.

Hump Day: Chapter 28

“It should only be done indoors.”The Bitch on Glamping.
The Bitch on Glamping from Libbie Summers

Hump Day: Chapter 27

“Where there’s smoke there’s fire.”The Bitch on Gingers
The Bitch On Things from Libbie Summers

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