By Libbie Summers
Assisted by David Dempsey
Sure, you could carry a backpack, but why would you when you could go back to school in style with a tricked out book bag!
The Cheerleader
What you need:
1 Cotton book bag
Silhouette of a cheerleader jumping (drag the image below to your desktop and print out to the size needed for your bag)
Embroidery thread (whatever color you like)
Embroidery needle
Embroidery hoop
Yarn Pom Poms (whatever color you like, you’ll need 2 small for the cheerleader and more to hang from the handles of your bag) Learn how to make a hand pom pom HERE.
What to do:
1. Print out image of cheerleader (sized to your bag) and cut out silhouette.
2. Place silhouette in the center of your bag and trace around the perimeter with a pencil (don’t worry about tracing around the pom poms you’ll be covering that area up with actual pom poms.)
3. Fasten the embroidery hoop over the cheerleader and stitch the penciled cheerleader with your embroidery thread and needle. (I used all the thickness of thread and a back stitch.)
4. Attach small pom poms where the hand pom poms with embroidery thread.
5. Tie other pom poms on the straps of the bag.
The Jock
What you need:
1 Cotton Book Bag
Varsity Letter Patch
Sewing Machine and Thread
Decorative Pins
Scarf (optional)
What to do:
1. Place the varsity letter where you would like it on the book bag and sew around the perimeter. I used a finishing stitch.
2. Attach pins and tie on scarf (optional)
The Marching Band Leader
What you need:
1 Cotton canvas book bag
Flat backed sequin beads
Fabric Glue or Hot Glue
What to do:
1. Lay bag on a flat surface and place sequin beads in the patter you would like. We did a musical note in the center and a simple linear pattern around it.
2. Taking your time, glue each bead to the bag.
3. Allow bag to dry overnight.
The Happy Thespian
What you need:
1 Cotton canvas book bag
Black buttons in varying sizes and shapes
Black embroidery thread
Embroidery needle
Embroidery hoop
Yellow Buttons in varying sizes and shapes
Yellow embroidery thread
Scarf (optional)
What to do:
1. Sketch a smiley face somewhere on your bag.
2. Fasten the embroidery hoop over the smiley face.
3. Working with the black eyes and mouth first, sew black buttons onto the bag to cover the lines on your sketch (I used the full thickness of the black embroidery thread).
4. Sew yellow buttons around the perimeter of the smiley face circle then fill in the blank area. Make sure to mix up using small and large buttons so there are no two buttons the same next to each other. (I used the full thickness of the yellow embroidery thread).
5. Tie a coordinating scarf onto one of the straps of the bag (optional). So stinkin’ cute!
Yep, I’m also wearing my Patch Pants!!
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