By Libbie Summers
A long shelf is hung on the western wall.
A window that covers nearly all of the Northern wall letting in the perfect “paint by” light.
A table, a drawer, a short ladder, a high easel, a potbellied store, a sofa, a few chairs, two coats, two hats –the items that posed for his “still life”, are basically the only furniture present in the closed world of Cézanne’s Atelier.
Aix en Provence wasn’t just a “let’s go to the South of France” yippie kind of decision. It was a much dreamed of pilgrimage to walk in the footsteps of one of my favorite painters. To thoughtfully trek to“Le Terrain des Peintres” – literally Painter’s Ground – said to be the exact spot where Cézanne would go to paint the magnificent view of the Mont Sainte-Victoire. And visit his humble ochre painted atelier which stands today as it did on the day of his death October 22, 1906…his still life objects waiting inside for another closeup.
Cezanne’s Atelier (September 2016)
Inside Cezanne’s Atelier –as he left it in October 1906. (September 2016)
Cezanne’s Coats inside his Atelier (September 2016)
“Le Terrain des Peintres” – literally Painter’s Ground – said to be the exact spot where Cézanne would go to paint the magnificent view of the Mont Sainte-Victoire. (September 2016)
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