Tag Archives: 15 Second Inspirations

Halloween Costume 2015


By Libbie Summers Assisted by Candace Brower In the next chapter of my life, I may become a carney worker. All roads seem to be leading there… Happy Halloween!

Biggest Hot Chocolate EVER


By Libbie Summers Assisted by Candace Brower The hottest of chocolate poured over a bowl filled with my colorful homemade Mega Marshmallows makes for the perfect impromptu winter party!

DIY: How To Make A Candle From an Orange


By Libbie Summers Assisted by Candace Brower It’s winter in Savannah, GA and that means beautiful citrus trees are heavy with fruit. Yellow grapefruit, oranges, lemons and limes ripening all around me. From my window as I write this, I can see two orange trees and one particular clementine tree where a militant orange tabby cat Read More »

Plaid Pumpkin


By Libbie Summers Photography by Anna Heritage Assisted by Candace Brower It’s not a trend thing for me, I’ve always been obsessed with plaid. So this year, I’ve decided to make it the centerpiece of my Holiday table with this plaid pumpkin. Quite possibly the cutest thing I have ever put in the middle of Read More »

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