Fig Layer Cake
By Libbie Summers Assisted by Candace Brower Still Photography by Cedric Smith Every cake I bake starts with a sketch…not always this gigantic.
By Libbie Summers Assisted by Candace Brower Still Photography by Cedric Smith Every cake I bake starts with a sketch…not always this gigantic.
By Libbie Summers Assisted by Candace Brower It’s winter in Savannah, GA and that means beautiful citrus trees are heavy with fruit. Yellow grapefruit, oranges, lemons and limes ripening all around me. From my window as I write this, I can see two orange trees and one particular clementine tree where a militant orange tabby cat Read More »
By Libbie Summers Assisted by Candace Brower It started with a little video about Mark Spitz and a cocktail. And, then you asked for more! Every Sunday on Instagram (@libbiesummers) I do a fun little video that I hope will inspire you, intrigue you or just make you giggle. I hashtag them #15secondSundays #Sundayinspiredvideos and Read More »