Tag Archives: 15 Second Video

DIY: How To Make A Candle From an Orange


By Libbie Summers Assisted by Candace Brower It’s winter in Savannah, GA and that means beautiful citrus trees are heavy with fruit. Yellow grapefruit, oranges, lemons and limes ripening all around me. From my window as I write this, I can see two orange trees and one particular clementine tree where a militant orange tabby cat Read More »

Here Piggy Piggy Jar Toppers


By Libbie Summers Photography and Video Assisting by Anna Heritage I’ve been keeping specimens in jars on my desk long before Clinton left office. Things that normal people wouldn’t put in a jar or put down in writing. Feathers, candy, dice and the occasional dried chicken foot. As of today, the ugly hand-me-down jars that hold Read More »

Monogrammed Swim Caps


Written and Produced by Libbie Summers Assisted by Candace Brower Summertime fashion should ALWAYS involve cheeky swimwear and personalized accessories! Note: This process is NOT permanent! Do it for a pool party and peel it off after!  Supplies: A swim cap Various colors of fingernail polish Book Colored Sharpies (optional) Directions: Stretch your swim cap around Read More »

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