Tag Archives: Bomb Pop

Lunar Landing Cocktail


By Libbie Summers Assisted by David Dempsey When someone says “Party like an Astronaut“, do it! I serve this cheeky cocktail alongside appetizers from the era at a party each year to celebrate the Apollo 11 lunar landing anniversary (July 20, 1969). PS There’s always an astronaut photo booth and there’s ALWAYS someone drunk in Read More »

Celebrating Apollo 11! (VIDEO)


By Libbie Summers Assisted by David Dempsey July 20, 1969 The moonwalk, began at 10:39 p.m. when Commander Neil Armstrong of Apollo 11 opened the hatch of Eagle and backed outside, watched by Buzz Aldrin. He carefully moved down the ladder, turning on the TV camera on the way. His first step took place at Read More »

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