Tag Archives: Christmas

DIY: Gingham Fabric Garland


by Libbie Summers Assisted by David Dempsey Photography by Teresea Earnest There is no fabric I like more than gingham –I love the nostalgia of it and candyland of colors! It has a special place in my heart as my grandmother, Lula Mae, often wore a red and white buffalo plaid gingham shirt on her Read More »

Adorable DIY Felt Ornaments! (VIDEO)


by Libbie Summers Assisted by David Dempsey Video by Teresea Earnest If cookies could be in colors and last for years I’d make ornaments out of them. Until then, these will do just beautifully!!  https://www.facebook.com/AFoodInspiredLife/videos/1709999755697558/ Get the step by step DIY for making these ornaments HERE!

DIY: Candy Wrapper Garland


by Libbie Summers Assisted by David Dempsey I love this candy garland!! I’ve used yards of it to decorate a candy bar at the most outrageous birthday party and now to decorate my colorful Christmas tree! Here’s how you do it. Candy Wrapper Garland (about 15 candy pieces per foot of garland) Ingredients:  4-inch Multicolored Read More »

DIY: Candy Wrapper Holiday Garland (Video)


By Libbie Summers Assisted by David Dempsey With  Teresea Earnest Photography A candy garland that doesn’t involve candy at all! This shiny garland will last the entire holiday season (or birthday party season) and never have to worry about a trip to the dentist.

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